Sunday, August 8, 2010

Baby Massage

Massages are ideal tools for bonding and it is a loving way of getting in touch, literally with people we love. Your baby will love a massage and you will experience a massive bonding. Massages are not only relaxing but also are a way of communicating feelings of love. A baby massage is known to have therapeutic effects on the baby such as boosting immunity. It has also helped reduce a baby’s crying in times of distress. A baby massage is known to put them to sleep for longer as they feel very relaxed. A massage will enhance your communication with the baby and this strengthens the bond. Growth has been known to be stimulated by massages and premature babies are subjected to it to enhance their development.

It is important to know how to massage your delicate baby to ensure that the experience on them is pleasurable. It is important to have baby oil or cream as well as a soft blanket and two towels. These are necessary have to facilitate a comfortable massage. The best time to massage your baby is when he is calm or an hour after feeding him. It is important to ensure that the room is warm to avoid exposing the baby to cold, which could give him health problems. The ideal time for a baby massage is immediately after bathing the baby as he is fresh and the room is warm enough. Ensure that all the materials you need for the massage are near you avoid wasting too much time getting them together.

The next step is drying the baby well and laying him on the soft towel. To make sure that the oil is at the right temperature, it is advisable to rub it on your hands as this warms it up. The pressure should be put on the baby’s tender skin lightly to avoid injuries, as babies are very sensitive. The finger’s pads are the most appropriate to use and the massage should start from the face working it upwards to the head. As baby massage is a means of communicating with your baby, it is important to make it fun. This will involve singing lovely songs to the baby and talking to him. This is known to stimulate the baby and he or she will respond with sweet giggles and chuckles because babies understand this form of communication.

After massaging the baby’s face and head, you will get to the arms and shoulders. The massage continues subtly and taking care not to injure the sensitive parts such as the elbows and armpits. From the arms and shoulders you move to the stomach and chest and the movements of the finger pads continues smoothly with gentle movements. From here, you move on gently to the legs and feet where you massage the thighs, ankles and the soles of the feet. The last part to massage is the back and the baby is supposed to lie on his or her stomach. The finishing strokes go all over the body and should give a general massage.

Parenting Tips For Kids

Every single day, there are adults everywhere who are at their ends wit when it comes to trying to stop kids from talking back. If you face this challenge, it is essential to know and understand that it is not appropriate to give into this type of behavior. It is considered to be highly disrespectful and disrespect should not be tolerated in children. If it is tolerated, the child will grow to develop many different types of emotional and behavioral problems. If you are having problem in stopping the back talk, it is important to evaluate your response to this behavior, as well as the responses of others. It is then that you can develop a plan to put a stop to this type of verbal disrespect.

Spoiling a child does not happen overnight. It usually involves a series of perpetual actions and events that parents set in place that leads to bad behavior and an overly pampered child. Parenting websites and parenting guides will tell you that it is usually not so much the fault of the child. No child is born spoilt. However, it is usually within the parent's control that determines what type of influence they want to expose their child to and also how clearly right and wrong is defined for the child.

There are many different reasons why a child may talk back. The following list details some of the reasons why this may occur:

1. If a child is talking back, it is important to observe the behavior of the adults in the home. It is a known fact that many children model themselves after the adults that they come in contact with on a daily basis. Do the adults in the home exhibit a smartallic conversational tone? Do these individuals become loud and obnoxious? If this is occurring in the home, it is quite possible that the child is not the one to blame, but the adults in the home are. Appropriate behavior modification should be implemented in order to adjust to that which is acceptable.

2. If the parents and other adults around the child who is talking back often "gives in" to the behavior of the child, the kid will use this to their advantage. They will gain a certain level of control by back talking and being quite obnoxious about it. Children should grow to learn that "no" is no, and that they will not always get their way.

3. Many children who do not feel as if they get any attention from their parents may begin to talk back to adults in order to acquire attention - even if it is negative. To a child, negative attention is better than no attention at all.